" OPUS 2 " of Cécile Le Talec is one of these works, realized by an artist and not by a composer, among whom the morphology and the experiment can send us back to a certain imagination of the desert; a desert populated with sounds, and at first with whistlings.
Since a few years, the artist is closely interested in these few communities mountain dwellers who remain throughout the world, in particular in a region moved back at the heart of China, the members of which communicate between them by means of a whistled language. Several projects were developed from this exploration.
" OPUS 2 " appears as a big dark space in which is projected a black and white film, almost
discreet, in which follow one another with different sound intensities, a number of whistlers.
In the center of the space, at good height, metallic ropes tightened between both side walls are connected with a computer, the program of which was designed in the IRCAM to generate a whole range of sounds the frequencies of which were made from the recordings returned by the artist of his journeys in the communities of whistlers.
The projected shadow of its ropes draws on the projection of the movie its lines perfectly
parallel and similar to a musical range. In the space, seven birds, like the seven notes, fly as they please and come to be posed in a unpredictable way on ropes, what generates in the slightest movement a variety of sounds, often isolated and different from each other, which enter in echo with those whistlers whom we see in the image.
Here we are immersed in a sound space tightened as a granted rope which resounds here and there according to the whim of the birds which come to pose themselves there. A desert space, crossed by sound events which draw an unpublished space of correspondences.
This new earth which arises at the end from the story on the background of a desert can be named a constellation. The constellation is the shape of the narrative to come beyond the end of the narrative.
Jean Christophe Royoux - Orléans - 15 october 2008